SIPPs and Taxes: 5 Key Tax Implications to Know about in 2025

- SIPPs provide tax benefits, including tax-free growth of investments and the ability to withdraw up to 25% of the pension pot tax-free.
- In the UK, withdrawals from Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) are taxed, with the first 25% being tax-free and the remaining 75% taxed as income; however, while taxes on SIPPs during retirement are unavoidable, strategic withdrawals can help minimise tax liabilities.
- Careful management of withdrawals and reinvestment can make SIPPs a tax-efficient retirement investment option, and using the 25% tax-free withdrawal allowance after age 65 can effectively reduce your overall tax burden.
SIPPs and taxes are inextricably linked when it comes to aiming for a financially secure retirement.
According to official government statistics, pensions tax relief is estimated to have amounted to £51,6 billion in the 2021/2022 year,1 underlining the importance of grasping how this principle applies to your SIPP.
The relationship between your Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) and taxes influences everything from the contributions you make to the capital gains you may earn and the withdrawals you’ll eventually make.
In this article, we aim to demystify this interconnected subject, shedding light on how tax considerations can affect the performance and benefits of your SIPP.
Whether you are well-versed in the world of investments or taking your first steps towards retirement planning, understanding the tax aspects of your pension will be extremely important if you’re trying to make the most of your retirement funds.
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What Is a SIPP?
SIPPs enable account holders to have greater control over their pension funds, making investment decisions aligned with their financial goals and risk tolerance.
What Are the Tax Implications of Using SIPPS for Equity Release in the UK?
Utilising SIPPs for equity release in the UK can present a range of tax implications to be aware of.
As a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) is a type of pension that gives you a higher level of control over your investments, any withdrawal is subject to income tax.
Up to 25% of your pension pot can be taken tax-free, but the remaining 75% will be taxed as income at your marginal rate. However, it’s important to note that releasing equity through SIPPs can potentially push you into a higher tax bracket.
The size of your equity release could inadvertently increase your annual income, which might make you liable for higher rates of tax. Also, in the unfortunate event of your death, if the SIPP is not in ‘drawdown’ then it may be subject to 40% inheritance tax.
We advise careful planning and consultation with a tax expert to optimise your financial outcome.
Do SIPPs Come With Tax Benefits?
Yes, SIPPs (Self-Invested Personal Pensions) come with tax benefits.
These benefits include government tax relief on contributions, tax-free investment growth within the SIPP, and the option of taking a tax-free lump sum when you retire.2
Let’s take a closer look at how tax relief works when it comes to SIPPs.
What Types of Tax Relief Are There on SIPP Contributions?
There are two types of tax relief on SIPP contributions, namely Basic Rate and Higher Rate Tax Relief.
Basic-Rate Tax Relief
Basic-Rate Tax Relief represents a significant benefit when contributing to a SIPP, or any approved pension product, in the UK.3
Here’s how it works:
When you contribute to your SIPP, the government will supplement your contributions with tax relief at your marginal rate of tax.
If you’re paying tax at the basic rate of 20%, in other words, this tax relief equates to 20% of your gross contribution.
Let’s break this down with a simple example:
When you pay £80 into your SIPP, this represents 80% of the total contribution, because this money’s been sourced from your taxed income.
In other words, you originally earned £100, but after 20% tax (£20) was deducted, you were left with £80.
Now, when you contribute that £80 to your SIPP, the government effectively repays the £20 tax you initially paid, bringing your total contribution back up to the full £100.
This relief is automatically added to your pension, so you do not need to do anything to claim it.
Higher-Rate Tax Relief
Higher-rate tax relief offers wealthier taxpayers in the UK the opportunity to claim further tax relief on pension contributions.4
This is above and beyond the 20% basic rate tax relief automatically applied to contributions.
Here’s how it works:
If you are a higher-rate taxpayer, you pay 40% tax on a portion of your income.
When you contribute to your SIPP, you automatically get 20% tax relief—but because your income’s taxed at 40%, you are entitled to an additional 20% tax relief to make up the difference.5
Similarly, if you are an additional-rate taxpayer, you pay 45% tax on a portion of your income.6
In this case, you are entitled to an extra 25% tax relief on your pension contributions in addition to the basic 20%.7
This additional tax relief can be claimed in one of two ways:
- Through your tax return: If you complete a self-assessment tax return, you can include your pension contributions in the relevant section, which will result in a reduction in your overall tax liability, or potentially a tax refund.
- By contacting HMRC: If you do not file a tax return, you can contact HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) directly and inform them of your pension contributions and provide some details about your contributions.
As always, tax rules can be complex and subject to change, and the benefits depend on individual circumstances.
It’s therefore advisable to seek professional guidance from a qualified pensions or tax advisor.
What’s Important to Know About Tax Relief on SIPP Contributions?
What’s important to know about tax relief on SIPP contributions includes when this relief’s applied, what the age limit is, and how this benefit works if you don’t actually pay tax.
When’s Tax Relief Added to SIPP Contributions?
Tax relief’s usually added to SIPP contributions within about six to 11 weeks of your contribution (if you’re receiving Basic Rate Tax Relief).8
Additional tax relief for higher-rate taxpayers will have to be claimed through your tax return.
Until What Age Does My SIPP Remain Tax Efficient?
Your SIPP remains tax efficient until you reach the age of 75.9
Beyond your 75th birthday, you won’t receive any tax benefits on your contributions.
Can I Access SIPP Tax Relief If I’m Not a Taxpayer?
Yes, you can access SIPP tax relief of 20% on contributions up to £2,880 if you’re not a taxpayer.10
Are SIPP Investment Gains Taxed?
No, SIPP investment gains aren’t taxed, meaning you won’t have to pay income tax, dividends tax or capital gains tax11 on your investment gains.12
Do I Have to Declare a SIPP on My Tax Return?
No, you do not normally need to declare a SIPP on your tax return, unless you are claiming additional tax relief for higher-rate tax or you’ve exceeded the annual or lifetime allowance.
Where Do SIPP Contributions Go on My Tax Return?
SIPP contributions go in the pension contributions section of your tax return.
If your are claiming additional tax relief as a higher-rate taxpayer, you’ll need to include your gross contributions.
Are Dividends in a SIPP Taxable and Do I Declare Them on My Tax Return?
No, any dividends earned on investments held within your SIPP are exempt from tax and do not need to be declared on your tax return.
How Are Commercial Properties in a SIPP Taxed?
Commercial properties held within a SIPP enjoy several tax advantages.
Firstly, any rental income from the property is free from income tax, allowing all the profits to be reinvested into your SIPP.
Secondly, any capital growth when the property is sold is exempt from capital gains tax.
This makes buying commercial property through a SIPP a tax-efficient investment option for business owners or those looking to diversify their pension investments.
However, it is important to understand the rules and consult with a financial adviser before proceeding.
Is Income from a SIPP Taxable When I Retire?
Yes, income from a SIPP is taxable when you retire, but how this happens will depend on your tax band and how you withdraw your funds.
What Is the Tax on SIPP Withdrawals?
SIPP withdrawals are taxed as income and the rate will depend on your overall taxable income in the tax year you make the withdrawal.
Tax-Free Lump Sum & Annuity Options
At retirement, you can take up to 25% of your SIPP’s value as a tax-free lump sum.13
The remaining funds can be used to purchase an annuity or go into drawdown, both of which will be taxed as income.
What Is the Tax-Free Allowance for SIPP Withdrawals?
When you begin withdrawing from your SIPP, you are entitled to take up to 25% of your pension pot as a tax-free lump sum.
This amount is not subject to income tax and can be withdrawn in one go or in stages, depending on your financial needs.
After taking your tax-free lump sum, any additional withdrawals are taxed as income.
It is important to factor this in when planning how much to withdraw each year to avoid unnecessary tax liabilities.
Are SIPPs Inheritance Tax Free and What Are the Rules After Death?
Whether your heirs will pay Inheritance Tax on your SIPP funds will depend on whether you die before or after the age of 75.
How does that work?
If you die before 75, your SIPP can usually be passed on to your beneficiaries tax free; however, if you die after age 75, any SIPP funds inherited will typically be subject to income tax at your beneficiaries’ marginal rate.14
Common Questions
Are SIPPs Tax Free?
How Does Tax Relief Work on SIPP Contributions?
Can I Transfer My Existing Pension Into a SIPP Without Tax Consequences?
Are There Any Restrictions on SIPP Withdrawals?
How Does SIPP Inheritance Tax Work After 75?
Is Tax Payable on SIPP Withdrawals in Retirement?
How Are SIPPS Taxed in the United Kingdom?
What Are the Tax Benefits of SIPPs for Seniors?
Can I Avoid Taxes with SIPPs in Retirement?
How Can SIPPS Reduce My Tax Bill After 65?
How to Use SIPPS for Tax Efficient Investing in Retirement
SIPP Taxation In Short
Navigating SIPPs and taxes can be complex, and the rules can change, so it’s always wise to seek advice tailored to your circumstances.
The tax advantages associated with SIPPs, including tax relief on contributions, tax-free growth, and the ability to take a portion as a tax-free lump sum at retirement, can significantly boost your pension pot.
However, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential tax implications when withdrawing from your SIPP or passing on your pension wealth.
Therefore, staying informed about the intricacies of SIPPs and tax is key to making well-informed decisions and continually learning how to maximise your retirement wealth.
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